
Ubuntu 15.4 + Psychtoolbox 3 on DELL Inspiron


First, I installed Ubuntu 14LTS version onto a DELL Laptop, but WiFi controller couldn't work (driver  for Intel AC3165 is not provided). Then I installed Ubuntu 15.4, which can recognize well the network controller. 

MATLAB installation was very easy and did not meet any troubles. To install Psychtoolbox, I used NeuroDebian. After some configuration settings, I tried to install matlab-psychtoolbox-3, but the terminal said matlab-psychtoolbox-3-nonfree is required. Then I put it, it needs libglew1.9. I checked about libglew1.9, it cannot be installed on Ubuntu 15.4!

Therefore, if you want to install Psychtoolbox3 on Ubuntu, you need Ubuntu 14 LTS with a compatible WiFi controller. Or, you need to put a driver somehow. A USB WiFi network controller may be a solution..